Final Exam Questions 2006
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  1. According to Antonio Cisternino, the two essential elements of the .NET platform are:
  2. Select the correct order of the CLR model:
    1. compile language into CIL, then compile CIL into executable, then execute compiled program
    2. compile language into CLR, compile CLR into executable, then execute compiled program
    3. compile language into CLR, then compile CLR into assembly, then convert assembly to machine, then execute machine code
    4. compile language into CIL, then execute the CIL
  3. Explain what is meant by the term jagged arrays in the context of C#.
  4. According to Antonio Cisternino, ____________ are a sort of operator "field access" overloading and are a useful abstraction to identify the get/set methods typically used in Java.
  5. Select the C# operator that allows for iterating over a collection of objects.
    1) gothrough
    2) iterover
    3) typeof
    4) foreach
  6. Select the name of the stack found on the IPAQs used in class.
    1) Bluecomm stack
    2) Microsoft stack
    3) Widcomm stack
    4) HP stack
  7. True or False: The .NET Compact Framework does not include classes that provide managed access to the serial port on a smart device.
  8. When interoperating with native code, memory management and data conversions may need to occur when the flow of control passes the managed/unmanaged boundary. What is the term for performing these conversions?
    1) invoking
    2) marshaling
    3) passing
    4) mangling
  9. List the 3 major advantages of ADO.NET according to the textbook. Pick one of these 3 advantages and explain it in more detail.
  10. What does SURVAB stand for?
    A) Super Ultimate Remote Voice Articulate Bot
    B) Super Ultra Remote Voice Action Bot
    C) Super Ultra Remote Voice Action Bug
    D) Super Ultimate Remote Vex Action Bot
  11. What does CF in Microsoft CF stand for?
  12. (T/F) Java and C# are extremely different.
  13. What kind of cable / adapter is required for connecting the Vex robot to the PDA?
    A) Ethernet
    B) Null-modem serial
    C) Straight serial
    D) Bluetooth
  14. To work with databases in .Net, you often use a ______ to hold data.
    A) DataSet
    B) SuperTable
    C) MicrosoftSet
    D) Box
  15. (T/F) .Net 2.0 contains a SerialPort class to communicate via serial ports.
  16. Making a value type into an object type in .Net is called ______.
    A) Punching
    B) Shuffling
    C) Karate
    D) Boxing
  17. What is Bluetooth primary meant for?
    A) Cell phones
    B) Gaming
    C) Replacing wires
    D) Accessing the internet
  18. What is it called when a Bluetooth device connects with another device?
  19. (T/F) Bluetooth is meant for medium to long range communication
  20. What are the three types of IC's?
  21. What is the difference between StringReader/Writer and Stream Reader/Writer?
  22. What is the function of MemoryStream and write a piece of code with length limitations?
  23. What are the four classes the .NET Compact Framework is composed of?
  24. Fill in the following table
  25. C# C/C++ Size(Bits)
    Int Int  
      BITE 8
  26. In reference to deploying unmanaged DLL's, what is the process that .NET goes through?
  27. (T/F) Value Types are relatively easy to marshal.
  28. What does bitable mean?
  29. List the stages of the functional overview of Bluetooth.
  30. Small data types stored on a stack describes what kind of data type?
  31. What are the two types of code used in the Common Language Runtime of the .NET Framework?
  32. What are the three types of communication/data links offered through your pocket pc?
  33. What are three differences of the Full .NET Framework and the Compact .NET Framework?
  34. What are four controls you can use with the .NET Compact Framework?
  35. What are the phases of the RUP?
  36. To create a piconet the ________ gives the slave its _______ and device ID
  37. In piconet addressing how many bits are in Active Member Addressing (AMA)?
  38. What are three common metrics?
  39. How many different power options does Bluetooth support?
  40. In Bluetooth what does PAN stand for and mean?
  41. ___________ is a compiler trick that consists in the generation of special names for each C++ function based on the underlying function name and its parameter list, which helps ensure that overloaded C++ functions have distinct names for the linker.
  42. From the .NET point of view, unmanaged code functions are _____________.
  43. Value types are relatively simple to marshal because, as the name suggest, they are simple types whose value can typically be held in a few bytes of storage. Reference types, such as strings, arrays, and structures, are more complex to marshal because they consist of a reference to an area of memory in the _____________
  44. _______________ is the most important object in the ADO .NET hierarchy. It is a container for data being held in memory.
  45. (T/F) Java is essentially a subset of C#.
  46. In C# types are organized in _____________ while in Java they are organized in __________
  47. In memory management. ____________ allocation consists in memory areas allocated during program loading.
  48. You call an unmanaged DLL by using ______________
  49. (T/F) There is support for printing in the Pocket PC operating system
  50. C# introduces the _______________ keyword to control access to a delegate member.
  51. What are three common characteristics of embedded systems?
  52. Bluetooth is what type of communication?
    a. Infrared communication
    b. Long range radio frequency
    c. Short range radio frequency
    d. Serial communication
  53. What does SURVAB stand for?
  54. What are three common metrics of an embedded system?
  55. What is Moore's Law?
  56. The .net compact framework is______.
    a. managed code
    b. unmanaged code
    c. assembly code
    d. native code
  57. What are the three key embedded system technologies?
  58. What are the four phases of RUP?
  59. T/F: Bluetooth is meant to be used as a wire replacement.
  60. What kind of stream does the tcpclient GetStream() method return?
    a. File Stream
    b. TCP Stream
    c. Network Stream
    d. Client Stream
  61. What is an embedded system and why are embedded systems important? Include examples of embedded systems.
  62. What is a design metric? Why is design metric optimization important? Give at least three examples of design metrics.
  63. What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Bluetooth implementation?
  64. What are some features of C# and what language is it very similar to?
  65. What is the function of the Stream class in .NET and what are three basic stream operations?
  66. In terms of the evolution of smart mobile computing devices, briefly describe the general trend over time of the changes to the following: price, number of units sold, weight, CPU speed, amount of RAM and storage, and display properties.
  67. What is the importance of debuggers? Provide at least two capabilities of debuggers to support your answer.
  68. What are Platform Invocation Services and what are they useful for? (Hint: involves calling DLLs)
  69. When using P/Invoke, the CLR handles DLL loading and conversion of the unmanaged legacy types to CTS types (this is called by Microsoft parameter marshalling[1]). To perform this, the CLR :
  70. In regards to parameter passing, C# is:
    a. Pass-by-value
    b. Pass-by-variable
    c. Pass-by-reference
    d. Pass-by-inference
  71. What is reflection in C#?
  72. The .NET framework is a revolutionary technology, what are some of the components that position the .NET framework as a competitive programming platform.
  73. What is the difference between managed code and native code?
  74. What are some limitations of the .NET Compact Frameworks Forms versus the .NET (full framework forms)
  75. What is remote debugging, an advantage of it, and is it supported in .NET?
  76. Define NRE and the challenge of balancing NRE and per-unit costs.
  77. What is Moore's Law?
  78. Implementing Bluetooth on the PocketPC platform can be tricky, why?
  79. Declaring n-dimension arrays (hint: not an array of an array) in one line of code is possible in:
    a. Java
    b. C#
    c. Both
  80. List 4 operators that can be used on enumerated types:
  81. Define a 'delegate'. Is it a function pointer?
  82. What are three common characteristics of embedded systems?
  83. What are three key technologies for embedded systems?
  84. What is the top level in .NET?
  85. What is Moore's Law?
  86. When did Osborne go bankrupt and why?
  87. Does .Net have a garbage collection?
  88. What embedded system rule is the key to pyramid schemes?
  89. What does RUP stand for?
  90. What are the phases of the RUP?
  91. Which phase of the Rational Unified Process requires the most resources?
    a. Inception
    b. Elaboration
    c. Construction
    d. Transition
  92. Which of the following is not a main benefit of the .NET platform?
    a. Common type system
    b. Garbage collection
    c. Seamless communications
    d. Execution Environment
  93. Which of the following is NOT a type of array in C#?
    a. Single Dimensional
    b. Multi Dimensional
    c. Mixed Dimensional
    d. Jagged
  94. Name two methods that are automatically added for C# class properties:
  95. Bluetooth is a
    a. Hardware protocol
    b. Software protocol
    c. Both
    d. Neither
  96. Briefly describe the function of the following ADO.NET objects (this can be done by providing the database analoge):
    a. DataSet
    b. DataTable
    c. DataColumn
    d. DataRow
  97. What are some advantages of XML for data storage?
  98. True or False: A delegate is a pointer to a method often used for event handling.
  99. Briefly describe operator overloading and give an example.
  100. What specifically does Platform Invoke call into allow managed code to interoperate with native code?
  101. Explain what the term "marshalling parameters" refers to.
  102. Fill in the blanks. The answer is the same for both blanks and may consist of more than one word. The answer is the name of a system within the CLR:
    The core of CLR is the ________. The ________ is responsible for compiling CLI code into machine code using JIT.
  103. List the three primary steps for the overall model of CLR for executing a program. This process starts with a file from a language, involves CIL, and ends with the execution of a program..
  104. True or False: C#'s Type system is common rooted in the Object type.
  105. True or False: All CLR types are accessible from C# and vice-versa.
  106. Match the following 3 terms to the 3 statements below (Static allocation, Automatic allocation, Dynamic allocation):
    1. _____ allocates room for local variables on the stack
    2. _____ consists in memory areas allocated during program loading
    3. _____ makes use of a memory area called heap handled by language runtime
  107. True or False: A value type is similar to a class: allow definition of methods, properties and operators and inheritance of a value type is allowed.
  108. What is a 'virtual method'? Does C# allow virtual methods?
  109. CLI files contain a definition of types annotated with their description (metadata). Which of the follow statements, concerning that metadata, are true.
    A. A program can access metadata using the reflection API
    B. Metadata are static and cannot be changed at runtime
    C. Both
  110. List one advantage and one disadvantage of 'unsafe' code in C#.
  111. What is the purpose of the Pinvoke mechanism?
  112. What is a drawback of ASP (not ASP.NET)?
  113. What are two of the three ways in which ASP.NET attempts to fix the drawback of ASP?
  114. What is one limitation of the .NET Compact Framework (compared to the full version of .NET framework) when writing XML web service client applications?
  115. 1. What language is C# derived from?
  116. Which is not one of the four important exceptions of C# to Java
    a. Throws clause on methods
    b. Inner classes
    c. Thread synchronization
    d. Class loading
  117. True or False: Values are objects?
  118. How are properties defined?
  119. Are the methods in C# virtual or manually decided?
  120. What is unsafe code and who can use it?
  121. What does the SDK Contain and for which platform is it used in?
  122. What is P/Invoke?
  123. True or False: Java and C# are based off of the same basic language?
  124. Label the Java code and the C# code
    class A {} class A {}
    interface B {} interface B {}
    interface C {} interface C {}
    class D extends A implements B, C {} class D : B, C, D {}