Homework 11
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Fundamentals of AI

Due: Thursday, December 6, 2018 at the beginning of class. Late assignments will not be accepted. This is also the last time to turn in any old assignments.

  1. 14.1 in AIMA.
  2. 14.4 in AIMA.
  3. 26.1 in AIMA.
  4. 26.8 in AIMA.
  5. Final Exam Questions Submission
    • You are to write seven (7) exam questions for the final exam. You are to provide the answers for the questions. Questions should be from the material we've covered in class, you've read in your additional reading, or learned from working on your homework. The exam is cumulative, so write questions on material from the whole semester.
    • I will use the best questions on the final exam, hence if you write good questions and they end up on the exam, they will be very easy for you to answer. Also, I will grade according to how strong a questions is. If it is included on the exam it will earn full credit. Questions that are not included on the exam, but are good questions will also earn full credit.
    • I reserve the right to write additional questions.